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:DFriday, December 15, 2006

hello. for a vulgar post click HERE

( 3:34 PM )

:DThursday, December 14, 2006

met izyan in sch this morning (: an attempt to start maths homework. hey not bad, we completed like what, 3 questions in an hour? then the OM approached us and threatened to slice our heads off with a parang if we didn't leave the TRC <----- (what i thought he would do)

what he actually did ---> asked us sweetly why we were doing work there when there's construction going on. it's both noisy and the air is unclean, why don't we go up to the library??

WHOA we got a shock of our lives. i think he was either abducted and experimented by aliens or he fell off his bed this morning and hit his head hard. damn hard. and make that a very high high bed. and floor made out of steel.

anyways then we went off to give out flyers. our targets were mats but for some reason they were MIA today :S . and the ppl weren't making our lives any easier too! some of them

1) coincidentally, magically receive an important, urgent phone call on their apparently silent-moded phones

2) suddenly love their girlfriends so much they felt the need to wrap their arms around them and have no hands free to take a damn flyer

3) think that it's cool to walk behind people who have papers in their hands

4) totally ignore us (these are the worst). they pretend not see (just cos i'm sho.. not as tall as them) and hear us (cos they're doing an experiment on how long it takes for someone's eardrums to burst with their music at max volume.)

oh come on don't act all innocent. you know you do it. cos that's what i do too ;). but BUT i vow that from now on, from one flyer-giver to another, i would take any flyer shoved in my face.:D unless i'm sick, moody, in a hurry or i just don't feel like it. (:

but of course there were nice people too (:

and thanks iz so much for helping haha. OH OH and i'm SOOO SORRYYY for not answering my phone when you were stalked by that pervert! omg you scared the shit outta me when i called. luckily she reported him! serves that perverted son of a bitch damn right. asshole.

i promise i will find a louderr ringtone! i was thinking those hardcore rock or heavy metal with kickass drums and guitar. they're loud. hmm. oh and yes and make the vibration stronger till my teeth start chattering and my hairband pops out when anybody calls. yes that's it.

okay turf training tmr at 12pm. not only am i severely out of shape and practice, my head is throbbing like the elephants on mount kinabalu (don't bother trying to figure this out. there's no connection). and the 5 aside tournament is on SAT.under 21! that makes the players a bloody 6 years older. oh god please ease the pain in my head, the mucus in my nose and the burning sensation in my throat. amin.

( 2:52 PM )


if my nose was a tap, it's broken.

besides that, I'M BACK BABY. wished i could stay longer and eat more pretzels and have more late night convos with those little girls. by little i mean younger. cos they sure aren't shorter than me. (damn.) hey it's kind of fun to look at their confused traumatized faces when i tell them about the reproductive system, vasectomies and vacuums. yeah it was the weirdest girl gossip session everr. *shudders* but heck (:

AND i've fallen in love all over again. twice.

my first love: LINA/NINA i have no idea what's her name but she's just ADORABLE. aunty azimah's newborn. i carried her and it was love at first sight! then i did the unthinkable and asked my mum if i could have another sister (!? i know. but that's another story) but omg she was just lovely WHY DIDNT I TAKE A PICTURE?! oh ya cos like tak tahu malu liddat. :((

my second love: pgl. i miss it. yalah dah basi but when i heard the soundtrack i couldnt help but fall in love with it again. but i 'm far from falling in love with the assignment that came with it though. rahhh.

oh but it's great to be back :D i'm going to sch tmr yay! just for the sake of it. if i had actually finished some homework, i might go to the extent of saying i miss school. but i haven't so *closes ears* lalalaalaaa.

( 12:29 AM )

:DMonday, December 11, 2006

________ of the day~

food: choc mint pretzels!

achievement: completed ONE maths question in under ONE hour (but over half) wahaha

phrase: lipogranulomatosus erdheim-chester! (c'mon you gotta admit that's cool. it'll make a great pickup-line)

bitch: YOUTUBEEE. damn you for depriving me of my daily dose of whose line :( yes i'm an addict. so? hmm? hmm?

craving: more pretzels! DPS. wayne brady, ryan stiles, colin mochrie. (i mean i crave to watch them. wait that sounds wrong. observe their acting skills. yes.)

sound: my cracking wrist. it hurts. it's driving me nuts. i think it can be an accompaniment for azri's beatboxing. i can picture it now on mtv; Azri feat. wrist (or Wrist feat. Azri doesn't really matter)

just a sample--> bsshh cheka *CRACK* wah-eh-waao *CRACK*CRACK* vmm cheka bsshh bshh (hey you try writing lyrics for incomprehensible funny lip noises) confirm top twenty on the charts.

garment: elastic, rubbery skirt (not only can you wear it to esplanade, you can also wear it for swimming! haha)

song: listen to your heart (slow version)

laugh: hanisah's. god that was louuuud :)

okay there. i cant think of any more of-the-days. yes i'm this bored. if you see me online please entertain me. i miss school. and and outings. and yea. :(

btw i'm going home on wednesday. and i know at least 3 ppl who are coming here (as in KL) aft i leave. wahh what's this :(

( 11:50 PM )

:DFriday, December 08, 2006

i havent shopped yet!:( and there are sooo many things i wanna look for. but i bet i won't be able to find them. like when you're looking for something, it's never there but when you're not it always is! so when i go shopping without money, i see stuff i like but when i'm equipped with the bling, it mysteriously vanishes. no i'm pretty sure i'm not schizophrenic. perhaps a little mentally unstable but i definitely don't hear voices that tell me channing tatum is bi and JS is the hot *looks innocent*. really.

but on the bright side, here it costs S$3 for a movie!wtf right. so we watched 2 yesterdayy. Possesed and er..Cicakman! god that was funny. and horribly lame. like this:

hairi: kau tahu einstein?
danny: a ah
hairi: einstein dgn aku...
(audience: uh huh what?!)
hairi: takde kene-mengene!

-.- . haha it's amusing though. a spoof of spiderman come to think of it.

okay now let's go back to the other side of the world where ppl are missing me :D okay padahal a few km je. anyway prom, ppl were gorgeouus! and ati and i realize we have another 4 yrs till prom. so we plan to crash or sabotage other ppl's prom till ours (which means we cant be suicide bombers atiqah) :D dengki eh. haha yeah right. ohwell lunch lunch! byeee

( 2:06 PM )

:DWednesday, December 06, 2006

had a convo with ati a few days ago. we got all hyperrr discussing what fun we had throughout the yr. some stuff i even forgot about till that day! like all the codenames, dumb games (: sweet sweet memorieeees. orientation!mcs bbq!raptai!gema!desaru!PGO!PGL!ok shut upp. ohh i hope nxt yr would be err better *gulps*. c'mon with ati, dinie and iz in 2D too, there's bound to be chaos! since we rock (and we're gonna kick 2C's assssssss wooh!) whoops. pretend i didnt say that.

wokays today was funnn! dropped in to peep at tarian with high not to mention definitely false and impossible hopes that the instructor would be SRH or someone who looks like him. no such luck :( oh well. not as if i'm dancing. i salute them man.those steps looked difficult. i'd prolly take 2998392 years to memorise it. then after that i'll just end up screwing it up in 0.123241 seconds on the performance day. tsktsk prada bags (or maybe birds, iz??;) haha)will fly and commit suicide before you can get me to dance. on stage.

and i laughed so much at the most ridiculous things. fishballs, rabbits and yucky green stuff. aiayayai u girls just crack me up :)

ok i guess i'll see u all... when i come back. god knows when that is. if u wanna pesan anything just leave me an sms :D but i'll come online. i hope.

okay i'm gonna pack now!

bye bye bye~

oh wait. i forgot to mention that my brother decided to shave all his hair off before i could get to it. damn. oh heck azri+bald = ego+lame (sshh. it makes sense okay)

az: can you lend me $2.50??
me: why?
az: for gel
me: huh
az: GELLL *points to bald head*

diy: did you hear azri compare himself to a hotdog?
az: you mean an azri-dog??

-_-""" i have no comments. (actually i do but i really have to pack)

( 10:57 PM )

:DSaturday, December 02, 2006

"you are THIS close to getting grounded," he hissed menacingly, cold spit spraying onto my face. his eyes narrowed to little slits and his mouth twisted into a smirk, proudly declaring himself victor over this poor poor innocent girl trembling in the little corner...

okay okay fine it didnt happen that dramatically. that's the OM version i'm imagining cos their reasons are the same. just because. grrr. so just like that i had to give up $68 tickets and good company. eh the reasons "because i said so" and "just because" are not only poor and invalid, but they also show their free abuse of authority! i protest! a revolution let's go! okaay i wish. haha. ohwell guess i'm stuck at home watching Wendy Who the Warrior Princess or whatever.

good news or bad news first? good? paaaaat (say it sengau and it'll sound like those game show beepers-watchamacallit.ah nvm) wrong answer! duhh bad first it's only logical. good fengshui.

bad news
even though there was no sun today.. training was scary. it started on a good note but ended on a sad, horrible memo pad. and i pity both parties :(:( i feel ya, i feel ya! that's all i have to say. oh and the black pepper chicken noodles were blegh.amin.

oh yea. i broke my promise and ate dinner. *shrugs*

good news

the black pepper chicken noodles were blegh. so it gave me more room for fondueee :D .chocolate chocolate yum yum! thanks nad!!! and once again the three of us took lovely gay neos because of a bet iz and i lost.darn. we were rolling on the floor in despair cos we can't understand a single word of japanese besides PINK-KE. rahh they should have malay neoprint thingies ah.amik korang semue. eh maybe in malaysia have (haha!).

OH AND I'VE WATCHED THE WHOLE SEASON TWO OF HOUSE haha thanks to the pretty pretty aida with her sexy yellow hairband. (i'm sucking up just in case she has season 3 haha)

alright since i have lots of time today let's rewind to last thurs!

movie marathon!!

unsuccessful because we did NOT finish 53 movies in 7.5 hours! mission unaccomplished! this time at anyone's house that doesnt include a 10k walk from tanah merah mrt? haha. but time time. when when. hmm i wonder. we're such busy women. tsk.

deathnote was amusing. really. i mean how can someone be cool and disturbing at the same time? only L can pull it off wooh. but the ending of Click was so cliche. i still remember primary school teachers warning us never to write compositions that ended with someone "waking up, relieved it was all a bad dream!". maybe the writers of Click should go back to primary school?(as if i can do better eh) oh but it was nice anyway.

lastly, meet the fockers. sick, funny and just plain wrong!! the end (: thanks ati, aida, dinie, iz, nad, warda for coming over~ sorry for the walk/climb/noisy brothers and sisters! another outing soon? haha. go check your busy schedules

okay fingers tired~ (:

before that.. painting and playing with cement is fun!yes i love to get my hands dirty -- as in with cement. not.. ah nvm. anway i want more! if they want me that is haha. k dah. bye.

wooh thats a long post.
p.s. lalala i cant be grounded cos i'm leaving next thurs and i have no idea when i'm coming back!!! so these 4 days i must go OUT*hint*. budge lazy ass.

( 9:05 PM )

:DMonday, November 27, 2006

PGL was the love! but all the songs were so G-$$$! cheesier than pizza hut's triple cheese lava crust with extra mozarella and cheddar! but i like cheese so (: seats were not bad. right smack in front where we can see the tears on their faces and the sweat on their arms. BUTTTT i didnt get their autographs! partly my fault since i went left instead of right.. and from various experiences ppl shld learn never to follow me or you'll get lost lost lost. yes yes atiqah was right i admit. and DINIE kept on rubbing it in my face that they got pictures and autographs with Stepehn Rahman-Hughes !!!! malaysia's rubber plantation also kalah seh. okay i'm officially jealous. they also had an actual conversation! wahahh. heyy but i just found out SRH and i have something in common; we both can't speak malay! well sorta. hahahhh anyway sayang they didnt get tiara's though. all of them have lovely vocals~ oh i sense my love for musicals is being revived this very moment. wooh.

hai and where was i? with mum and her friends going home (sorry aida got dragged along heh). i am amazed at how that woman can forever magically come up with last minute tickets and suddenly turn up. maybe she owns a black market. hmm. thanks to iz who spotted her before i managed to do anything stupid. yeah maybe i shld make more friends in the media industry. then i can get free tickets and backstage passes to plays. yes that's a good idea nadh i'm so proud of you~ lalala.

oh oh yes and of course we learnt to embrace the beautiful malay language and culture (says the girl who spends half the time reading subtitles and the other half ogling at SRH and being jealous of tiara who gets to hold him.haha) and i can't wait to do whatever-assignment-we're-supposed-to-do! hello library and malay annals watch out for me~ (does that sound forced enough?)

and of course yay for good though jakon company who took pictures in toilets and next to dustbins wooh! yummy brownies and cookies.

oh i heard only 4 ppl turned up for training today. umm whoops. guess we do make half the attendance. ohwell.

p.s. hurry and finish watching those dvds aidaaa! haha.

( 1:01 PM )

i am

march baby:))
tjc - TA 1E'o6
professional camwhore
cheese is good
i love junk food.
blue black pink red silver
sweet movies are the love (:
so are horror and chickflicks
yeah mystery, murder and gore aren't bad either
my hot guys are: IAN, JESSE, DREW, ZUMI, SRH and many many more

i know


i want

guitar lessons
one guitar string
own room
sexy camera
a horse
a cat!
blue or pink car
or black car with HOT pink patterns (i saw once)
to grow taller
abs! (hello situps)
a huge tub of ben & jerry's
House Season 3(!!)
a sense of direction.for once.
unlimited excuses not to do maths homework
prince charming?? nahh
to rockclimb
play ice hockey!
to do cool inline-skating tricks
after i learn how to skate
a basketball
white highlights
to play paintball!

i speak

i thank

Brushes: ##